The tribles of Rajasthan as elsewhere in the other country like Africa are passing through a process of tranformation. Marriage and family have shared in this transformation with the result that the traditional structure of domestice life has been changed. Polygamy has not become so excepyional that it is not prevalent, but one married man in at least ten has two twices. All human relationship are sexual even though they don't look it and don't involve genitals. We are the only mammal which probably for reasons connected with our family structure, has used what were originally sexual behaviour for nearly all our social activities. Some apes use dominance, we use that too, but we sexualize it with love and dignity, The book make available an important and interesting account of relation between the sexes in primitive communities. On the basis of field work carried out or several years describe all the factors, economic social and psychological, which form the conditions of love, sex and marriage among studies tribes. It is for the time that a book lenght analysis of studies tribal groups has been given hare. The study discloses the openness of tribal society in which virginity is not special in which virginity is no special virtual. It is consequently taken for granted that boys and girls will acquire full sexual experience and few tribal women, let alone men are still virgins at marriage, This book though written by a ethnographrt contains no technical terms and has direct appeal to general reader intersted in anthropology and social research.