History and Development of Indian Agriulture

History and Development of Indian Agriulture

P C Bansil
3896 4995 (22% off)
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The book “History and Development of Indian Agriculture“ is one of the Series - Economics of Agriculture and Allied Aspects. It consists of 12 Chapters which include History of Agriculture in India, History of Irrigation, Hundred Years of Co-operatives, Agriculture during British Period, Agribusiness and its SWOT Analysis, Grow More Food Campaign, Green Revolution in Mexico, 1943–1965, Green Revolution in India, Food Situation Immediately after Independence, Agricultural Development in India Since Independence, Indian Seed System Development: Policy and Institutional Options and Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill 2013. It gives the reader a complete picture of the role of agricultural economy from time to time. The book will be useful to students of agriculural economics, researchers, educated farmers, administrators, policy makers and bankers.