Dragonian Pincer moves and World Peace: A Marvellous Fascinating inside Story of Our Motherland

Dragonian Pincer moves and World Peace: A Marvellous Fascinating inside Story of Our Motherland

Satish Gosain
746 785 (5% off)
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Vocal critic of Hindu culture and congress party Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar was assigned the Ministry of Law along with chairmanship of constituent committee to frame a new constitution as per the direction of British rulers to retain full control over the judicial system. We welcome Dr Ambedkar’s efforts for the passing of Hindu Code Bill but wonder why he had not attempted for a common code for the whole country and why the Muslim Ladies were deprived of the benefits. The temples of Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura are well documented historical monuments, worshiped as our most sacred places like Makka-Madina of Muslims and Jeruslem of Jews. They are the temples of faith and should be kept out of the preview of courts and politics. Hinduism is a philosophy based on scientific facts and not a religion as adopted by different communities in general. The Karma theory, Rebirth and life after death, the existence of life at different planets and possession of atomic weapons by super powers of outer world should be our main subjects of research. The Chinese mocking us as ‘Paper Tiger’ has deployed additional forces near Leh, Barahoti and NEFA Sector, while our Defence forces covering an border of 3800 Km. are standing like lamp posts in the most hazardus wheather under adverse geographic conditions awating the command signal from Headquarter. The senior Defence officers are also confused about our rudderless foreign policy. Even the Defence experts are quite sceptic of our wavering attitude and controversial policies. There seems to be no strategy as to ‘what we are fighting for and against whom?’ Peaceful coexistence and non-alignment can never be the policy of a self-respective powerful country. It can at the best be called a face saving formula for the weak, isolated, internally disturbed or economically bankrupt Nation. India and USA must hammer out a joint strategy forgetting all differences and form a united front against anti-democratic, fanatic and expansionist forces. It’s the dictate of destiny. Inaction may not give us a chance to regret.