Ayurveda: The Ultimate Medicine (Reprint Editiobn, first published in 2005)

Ayurveda: The Ultimate Medicine (Reprint Editiobn, first published in 2005)

Dr S C Sharma
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Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical systems where the concept of specialisation originated - be it in surgery, internal medicine or psychiatry they all evolved in Ayurveda before anywhere else in the world. This system, also called the mother of medicine, focuses not only on eliminating the disease but on providing a holistic cure to the patient, propounding his total well - being. It considers the human body as a miniature cosmos and yearns to help strike a balance between the various forces, both outside and within the body. This book attempts to break the myth that Ayurveda at best is a supplementary or an alternate medicine and avers that it indeed is the ultimate in medicine.