Haemoprotozoan parasitic diseases remains one of the major hurdles for raising livestock profitability. The trypanosomes were first isolated from animals in undivided India. After independence, with the introduction of cross breeding programme throughout the country, the prevalence of haemoprotozoan parasitic diseases especially theileriosis, babesiosis and anaplasmosis in bovines increased significantly and drew attention of policy makers. Since then the haemoprotozoan diseases in animals are considered as important diseases and needs a special care for their control. Being transmitted by vectors very often such parasites remain refractory to the conventional control measures. Moreover the tropical climate prevailing in the country let both vectors and parasites to propagate abundantly.
In this book we tried to describe the details of various diagnostic procedures for early detection, treatment and as well as control and preventive measures. We hope this book will be useful to field veterinarians, Veterinary graduate and post-graduate students and others related to Animal Husbandry activities.