Natyacharya Sisir Kumar Bhaduri: Pioneer of Modern Indian Theatre

Natyacharya Sisir Kumar Bhaduri: Pioneer of Modern Indian Theatre

Amal Mitra
333 350 (5% off)
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This ultimate collection on Natyacharya Sisir Kumar Bhaduri includes snippets of history from 19th century Bengali theatre and also commentaries of the noted personalities of the contemporary Bengal stage. The volume, Natyacharya Sisir Kumar Bhaduri – Pioneer of Modern Indian Theatre, not only speaks of his great stature as a playwright, it also presents the cultural context behind the birth of the illustrious Sisir Bhaduri— a master in dramaturgy, a prolific playwright, an outstanding actor— a creative genius, who brought about modernism—a new element in Bengali theatre, focusing primarily on realism in stage characterization. The book will definitely reshape the repertoire of public knowledge about Indian theatre, particularly about the pillar and pioneer of the Bengal stage—Sisir Kumar Bhaduri—the first director-proper in modern Indian theatre. This first-ever collection in English, devoted to his career and achievements, will, therefore, mark a significant breakthrough in Indian literary framework.