Wildlife Science: Connecting Research With Management

Wildlife Science: Connecting Research With Management

M.K. Vashishta
1756 1995 (12% off)
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It is important to identify and define what we mean by the term "wildlife" before we can answer the question, "What is wildlife management and conservation?" Early definitions of wildlife focused on wild animals (undomesticated free-ranging animals) that could be hunted for sport or food; therefore, the early definitions restricted the term wildlife to vertebrates (animals with a backbone). From that time forward, the message has been clear: there is a separation of those organisms termed wildlife, not only from other vertebrates, but most certainly from other groups of lower animals and plants. Much has happened in the field of wildlife management since early times, and this is reflected in new definitions of wildlife based on a more holistic viewpoint. Good wildlife management starts with good research. By studying wildlife interactions, distributions, populations and habitat use, research biologists are able to make sound recommendations for wildlife management. Without a clear understanding of the biology of our wildlife species, we cannot plan or predict the effects of management strategies. This book offers today's wildlife professional, or anyone else who cares for and manages wildlife resources, inspiration and frameworks for success in wildlife science and management. This book provides many templates that can be referred to for achieving successful, collaborative wildlife research and management in the future