Investing in Stock Markets

Investing in Stock Markets

Vinod Kumar and Raj Sethi Nangia
566 595 (5% off)
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Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Indian securities markets. 3. Trading in stock markets. 4. Fundamental analysis. 5. Company analysis. 6. Pitfalls of investing. 7. Technical analysis. 8. Investing in mutual funds. 9. Derivatives. 10. Trading in derivatives. 11. Commodity and currency derivatives. Question paper. The book” Investing in Stock Markets” is an attempt to provide basic understanding of the real world of stock markets. The book is meant for both beginners as well as for practitioners interested to learn new strategies for investment in equities, derivatives of stock, commodities and currencies. The book is primarily covering the syllabus for the B.Com. Sem-IV Paper BC (4.4) and B.Com.(Hons) Sem-II Paper BCH 2.4(b) and CBCS program of all Central Universities in India. The book has been prepared in very simple and lucid language. An attempt has been made to provide practical real life illustrations and cases to make the reader understand the nuances of real trading in stock markets. Summary points have been provided at the end of each chapter to revise all concepts discussed in chapter. Figures, tables and graphs have been used extensively to explain the difficult concepts.