Though there is no dearth of literature on CSR, it is more skewed towards theoretical models. The current book mainly aims at fulfilling two long felt needs – providing sufficient depth for an understanding of various facets of CSR and serving as a blue print in the implementation of CSR. The book adopts ‘handholding and guiding’ approach in helping the student/practitioner in various steps involved in practicing the CSR. It also meant to serve as a guide for corporate houses, corporate managers, corporate staff and field staff involved in planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of different CSR initiatives. Anecdotes, cartoons and diagrams provided help easy understanding of different concepts, models and practices of CSR. Tables, graphs and diagrams drawn from field experiences serve as blueprints for use in implementing CSR and in preparing the reports. It also presents with tools that can be used in conducting baseline survey, impact assessment, community needs assessment, social satisfaction survey and accounting of CSR.
Contents: 1. Logic of corporate social responsibility. 2. Stakeholder satisfaction: some theoretical reflections. 3. Conducting baseline survey of communities. 4. Conducting the impact assessment. 5. Community needs assessment. 6. Implementing and accounting of CSR initiatives. 7. Measuring the impact of CSR. 8. Measuring social satisfaction. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.