The modern thinking in Financial Markets and Services accords a far greater importance to management decision-making and policy. Today, financial managers/advisors do not perform the passive role of scorekeepers of financial data and information, and arranging funds, whenever directed to do so. Rather, they occupy key positions in top management areas and play a dynamic role in solving complex management problems. They are now responsible for shaping the fortunes of the enterprise and involved in the most vital management decision of allocation of capital. It is their duty to ensure that the funds are raised most economically and used in the most efficient and effective manner. Because of this change in emphasis, the descriptive treatment of the subject of Financial operations is replaced by a growing analytical content and sound theoretical underpinnings.
This book “Financial Markets and Services” is concepts, like Lease financing, Mutual funds, Merchant Banking, Venture Capital, Financial Markets, Foreign exchange markets, financial system, Insurance and Banking Funds and the interface between financial and corporate policies.
The book aims to assist the readers to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts and regulations underlying financial markets and service in a systematic way. To accomplish this purpose, the recent thinking in the field of finance has been presented in a most lucid, simple, unambiguous and precise manner.