Through The Diasporic Lens Vol. II

Through The Diasporic Lens Vol. II

Edited by Nandini C Sen
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The selection of essays in this volume Through the Diasporic Lens II explores the dynamics and problematics of diasporas globally. Migration and Diaspora formations, which are familiar features in the twenty-first century, require a sustained study of the changing dynamics of contemporary times. The essays in this volume are divided into five broad areas: Literature and diaspora, Indian diaspora in South Africa, Children and diaspora and discussions around global diasporas and migration. The essays delve into the dynamics of diasporic existence in all forms, thus making this book a comprehensive site for Diaspora studies. It is the second book in a planned series on Diaspora Studies, featuring writing by research scholars and established academics, thereby spanning the entire gamut of research in this area. It will be followed by subsequent volumes focussing on the same field.