Developmental Issues of Tribes

Developmental Issues of Tribes

Debesh Bhowmik
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This edited book covers Peruvian tribes’ land ownership, environment hazards from oil spills in Peruvian Amazon, their recognition and violation in Amazon, danger of indigenous languages in Peru, tribal poverty and tribal developmental problems and policies in India, tribal women empowerment in India, problems and solutions of PVTGs of India, environment-free traditional cooking and feeding habits of tribes and protection of traditional knowledge of tribal people and so on. The socio-economic development and dire situation of Ethiopian tribes were also described. How tribal people in this globe have been surviving against eviction in the process of conservation although they are contributing to forest environment and ecosystem, have been incorporated here. The book is useful to the researchers who are interested in studying tribal problems. Contents include : Part I : Issues of Development of Indigenous People in Peru, India, Ethiopia and Malaysia : Peruvian Natives and Indigenous Communities and Access to the Titling of its Lands; Oil Spills in the Peruvian Amazon; The Right for Autonomy of Indigenous Peoples in the Peruvian Amazon : Between Recognition and Violation (Violation or Valuation); Indigenous Languages in Danger of Extinction in a Globalized World in Peru; The Cooking and Feeding Habit of Tribal People : An Advantage over Modern Civilization; A Dire Situation of Tribes in Ethiopia. Part II : Socio-Economic Development of Indian Tribes : Tribal Poverty in Odisha; Socio-economic Development of PVTGs in India : Problems and Solutions; Contextualizing Microfinance and Economic Growth : The Tribal Women Empowerment Imperative; Sustainable Tribal Development : Problems, Prospects, Policies and Cases; Role of Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) in Protecting India’s Traditional Knowledge. Part III : Indigenous People and their Existence : Survival of Indigenous People : Environment Protection and Conservation.