Analytical Procedures in Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Vinod Kumar, Muneendra Kumar and Raju Kushwaha
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There are number of methods for each measurement reported in literature and it poses some difficulty in selecting a suitable method particularly for those who have newly entered the research field. Compilation of appropriate methods for a wide range of measurement employed in biological research is often helpful to researchers and technicians and the present book is an attempt in that direction. The book entitled “Analytical Procedures in Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology” authored by “Vinod Kumar, Muneendra Kumar and Raju Kushwaha” has been designed to meet the needs of the research students, teachers, scientist of department of animal nutrition and personnel of feed industry involved in feed analysis and quality control. The main purpose of this compilation is to make available a wide range of analytical and biochemical techniques evolved out of actual experience of research workers.
Contents: Foreword. Preface. 1. Preparation and expression of standard solution. 2. Preparation and processing of sample. 3. Proximate analysis. 4. Estimation of fibre fraction. 5. Determination of mineral content. 6. Determination of chemical composition by near-infrared spectroscopy. 7. Determination of energy content. 8. Fatty acid analysis. 9. Amino acid analysis. 10. Vitamin analysis. 11. Biological methods for feed and fodder evaluation. 12. Enteric methane measurement in ruminants. 13. Rumen liquor analysis. 14. Assessment of nutritional quality of silage. 15. Detection of adulterants in animal feed. 16. Detection of anti-nutritional factors in feed. 17. Determination of pesticide residues. References. Appendices.