Mine Disasters and Mine Rescue (3rd edition)

Mine Disasters and Mine Rescue (3rd edition)

M A Ramlu
1041 1095 (5% off)
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Contents: Preface to the third edition. Preface to the second edition. Preface to the first edition. 1. Mine fires. 2. Mine explosions. 3. Mine gases. 4. Outbursts of coal and gas. 5. Sampling of mine atmospheres and interpretation of their analysis. 6. Reopening of sealed-off areas in mines. 7. Mine rescue. 8. Water inundations. Appendices. References. Index. This self-contained classic textbook on the subject of mine disasters and mine rescue draws on the author's nearly thirty years of teaching and research experience and his abiding interest in mine safety for the benefit of mining engineering students. It provides a comprehensive view of the hazards constantly posed by fires, explosions, coal and gas outbursts and inundations in mines and the various rescue equipment in use, including the recent ones. Combating the problem of acid mine drainage and the use of explosibility diagrams, including USBM, for predicting flammability of firegases are some of the significant additions to the third edition. Besides mining engineering students, this book will also be of great value to practising mining engineers, safety enforcement agencies, and rescue organisations.