Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Plantago Ovata: Isabgol

Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Plantago Ovata: Isabgol

Himadri Panda
2258 2595 (13% off)
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Plantago lanceolata L. is a herb species with a broad distribution in grasslands throughout the temperate world. The leaf is highly palatable to grazing animals, providing a mineral-rich forage. Natural carbohydrates have been popularly used as a material for centuries in all kinds of pharmaceutical applications. It is the world’s most abundant renewable and biodegradable polymer. Isabgol has been popularly used as therapeutic agent for the treatment of constipation, diarrhoea, irritable syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia The uniqueness of the chemical structures and macromolecular configurations of mucilage obtain from the Isabgol (plantago ovata forskal) has attracted Carbohydrate chemists in last decade, as the hydrogel produced by it is rigid, difficult to brake, to dissolve. Ironically solubility, flexibility is very important criteria for materials to be used in pharmacy. To meet these criteria chemical modifications of isabgol husk mucilage is indispensable so that it can be transformed into carrier for new drug delivery system, as a low cost non-conventional source for the using pharmaceutical formulations as an “Excipient”, which can improve its procesability and performance for specific application in the broad field of pharmacy. Exploitation of Isabgol husk mucilage as an “Excipient” and its innovative, non-conventional applications, chemical derivatization, use of its derivative in modern fashion of drug designing has become a room for inventions for research scholar. Gums and Mucilage are naturally occurring biopolymers, finding increasing applications in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. It has been used successfully for many years in the food and pharmaceutical industry as a thickening agent, as a gelling agent, and as a colloidal stabilizer. Mucilage also has several unique properties that have enabled it to be used as a matrix for entrapment and/or delivery of variety of drugs, proteins, and cells. Being a naturally occurring polysaccharide, in recent year it has gained increased importance in industrial applications. The benefits of natural carbohydrates are also more and more appreciated by the scientists and consumers from various industries due to its inertness, biocompatibility and biodegradability.