Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Solanum Nigrum: Black Nightshade
Himadri Panda
₹2258₹2595(13% off)
Solanum nigrum Linn. (Sn) commonly known as Black Nightshade is a dicot weed in the Solanaceae family. It is an African paediatric plant utilised for several ailments that are responsible for to infant mortality especially feverish convulsions. Sn is an Annual branched herb of up to 90 cm high, with dull dark green leaves, juicy, ovate or lanceolate, and toothless to slightly toothed on the margins. Flowers are small and white with a short pedicellate and five widely spread petals. Fruits are small, black when ripe. S. nigrum is found mainly around waste land, old fields, ditches, and roadsides, fence rows, or edges of woods and cultivated land. It is a common plant found in most parts of Europe and the African continent. Sn is a popular plant in part due to its toxic content of Solanine, a glycoalkaloid found in most parts of the plant, with the highest concentrations in the unripened berries. Although it is considered a rich source of one of the most popular plant poisons, it has proven also to be a reservoir of phytochemicals with pharmacological prospects. The aim of this book is to comprehensively put together the literatures consistent with the pharmacological and other medicinal potentials of Sn.