Critique on Transformational Art of Dilip Mohapatra
Varsha Singh
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Dilip Mohapatra, a navy veteran, who began writing almost four decades ago, is a poet of differences more than similarities. His poems are an amalgamation of psycho-social and psycho-personal issues, intermingling with the philosophical urges that make one trace back its roots and identity. The themes and concepts advanced by Dilip Mohapatra are multifarious as well as astounding. Therefore, there was an urgent need of providing a critique based on his works.
This book attempts to establish the eminence of Dilip Mohapatra as a poet of acute importance in the contemporary time. There are articles ranging from his philosophical approach to his attitude of diversity, though remaining in unity.
The overall findings of the chapters in this book have far-sighted insights. This book would be remembered as the very first one, critiquing one of the most balanced poets of our time, i.e. Dilip Mohapatra.