Agriculture and Tribal Development in Tarai Region of Uttar Pradesh

Agriculture and Tribal Development in Tarai Region of Uttar Pradesh

Mohamad Awais
558 600 (7% off)
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More than 90 percent tribal are dependent on agriculture and allied activity which reflects their agro-based economy. The agricultural development is a key to tribal development and land is the only tangible asset of tribal families. Despite that, tribes are identified as extremely poor, illiterate and most exploited. The adoption of new agricultural techniques, embodied in modern inputs, is supposed to have resulted in greater output and thus influenced the socio-economic life of the tribal farmers. Agriculture may be considered as full of prospects in improving their standard of living. Moreover, it has influenced not only material life but also the attitude, behaviour and the entire value system. The present book, therefore, is an endeavour to depict the changes in the way of socio-economic development of tribal community of Tarai Region and to suggest the measures to further accelerate the developmental process. This book will interest a range of readers including academicians, researchers, planners, policy makers, administrators and change agents for transforming an agricultural based tribal society.