Prehistoric Art in Odisha

Prehistoric Art in Odisha

Dibishada Brajasundar Garnayak
1260 1400 (10% off)
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This volume for the first time takes into account the Prehistoric art heritage of Odisha. As gleaned from archaeological exploration and excavation. It presents a comprehensive account of prehistoric art of Odisha in different medium such as in the bare rock surface of rock shelter, boulder, terracotta and other organic material specially in Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic period. The book is the outcome of sustained research by the author in the last decade, running over to pages of text supplemented by 38 colour plates, 6 figures, and 2 informative tables. The volume would be a useful source material for students, researchers and public at large for understanding the early art heritage of Odisha in particular and that of India in general.