Introduction to Traffic Engineering

Introduction to Traffic Engineering

R Srinivasa Kumar
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Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction to road traffic engineering. 2. Road user and vehicle characteristics. 3. Highway geometric design. 4. Traffic volume studies. 5. Traffic count techniques and analysis of traffic volume data. 6. Spot speed studies and characteristics. 7. Origin and destination studies. 8. Travel time and delay studies. 9. Intersection delay studies. 10. Traffic flow characteristics. 11. Introduction to intersections and design guidelines for at-grade intersections. 12. Design and analysis of rotary intersections. 13. Design of signalised intersections. 14. Basics of queuing theory and delay analysis. 15. Design guidelines for grade-separated intersections and interchanges. 16. Parking studies. 17. Road markings. 18. Road traffic signs. 19. Roadway lighting. 20. Road traffic accident studies and reconstruction. 21. Analysis of accident data and road safety. 22. Intelligent transportation system. References. Appendix. Index. Traffic Engineering deals with the planning, design and implementation of traffic flow, and road infrastructure and facilities. This book provides in-depth information about road user characteristics and highway geometric design. It explains the collection and analysis of different types of traffic data, obtained as part of various studies. It also describes the design of different types of intersections and illustrates the use of road markings and lighting. Recent advances such as Intelligent Transportation System are also explored. This book will be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as to researchers and practicing engineers.