Wind Power: Practical Aspects

Wind Power: Practical Aspects

Shambhu Ratan Awasthi
986 995 (1% off)
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Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of 21st century. In the pursuit to combat climate change, renewable energy is seeing a boom in growth. Wind energy is leading the way as it offers a sustainable option. Harnessing energy from the wind and turning it into electricity has many advantages. It does not lead to air or water pollution. Wind Power: Practical Aspects focuses on developing wind power projects in India. It covers factors such as the selection of suitable sites, wind turbines, erection, and commissioning. The book also analyses and explains estimation of energy and cost. Various departments and organizations involved in the process of project approval and implementation are included in detail. The book explains grid management, repowering, development of offshore wind power projects and wind–solar hybrid power projects. Probable accidents in wind power projects, remedial measures, important statistical data of India and the world are also covered.