God, Love and I

God, Love and I

Dr Pramod Bhatia
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This book is an outcome of two decades of spiritual understanding and realisation developed by the author through his dedicated spiritual practices. Although, this book is technically categorized as a 'Fiction Novel', the in-depth and digested understanding of ancient text presented in this book is 'factual and unique'. In order to make it relevant to our contemporary lives, the profound and serious subject matter of ancient spiritual literature has been beautifully presented in the form of an exciting and entertaining story of a modern-day man (whose spiritual understanding develops over the years through his personal efforts and experiences). With the help of its simple, systematic, entertaining and easy-to- understand presentation, this book promises to evolve the higher understanding and consciousness of its readers. The understanding developed after reading this book will certainly bring its readers closer to True Love (something each one of us desperately need for our happiness). Due to his strong desire of helping others, the author has taken time out from his tight professional and personal schedule, and has painstakingly written this book for everyone's benefit. The author therefore urges its readers to understand this book by reading it from beginning to end and further requests the readers to help others by sharing the knowledge of this book with everyone. This book is first in the series by the author and he will soon be releasing his next book in this series.