Welfare of Disadvantaged: Exploring Community Development Approach

Welfare of Disadvantaged: Exploring Community Development Approach

Edited by Asok Kumar Sarkar and Prasanta Kumar Ghosh
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The present book on Welfare of Disadvantaged-Exploring Community Development Approach offers collective interventions, i.e. initiatives of the state, non-profit and voluntary sector, and corporate bodies, towards the welfare of disadvantaged in Indian context. There are different approaches and those could be institutional or community-based. This book focuses only on community development approach. Twenty articles divided into three sections have been portrayed here. Section-I, entitled as Community Development: Issues and Models, ranging from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6, has discussed vividly various debates or emerging concerns and models of community development being practiced. Section-II, entitled as Disadvantaged and Community Development, includes Chapter 7 to Chapter 15, is on the disadvantaged people such as financially poor and marginalized, Scheduled Tribes, persons with disabilities (PWDs), school going poor children, vulnerable or sexually abused children etc. SectionIII on Gender and Community Development begins from Chapter 16 and incorporates the remaining articles. This section touches upon domestic violence issue, marital disputes, women's empowerment, women's health, women's contribution to environment etc. The book would be valuable and more useful for the students, researchers and teachers in the disciplines such as social work, sociology, rural development and development studies.