Legends in Marketing: Gerald Zaltman (5 Volumes)

Legends in Marketing: Gerald Zaltman (5 Volumes)

Edited by Jagdish N. Sheth
20250 22500 (10% off)
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Introduction: Double Agent for Change: Jerry Zaltman’s Contributions to Planned Social Change and the Diffusion of Innovations/Gerald Zaltman. 1. Marketing Inference in the Behavioral Sciences/Gerald Zaltman, Juan Altwood and Graciela Carrillo. 2. Child Feeding Practices, Communication Behavior and Education in Costa Rica/Gerald Zaltman and Nan Lin. 3. On the Nature of Innovations/Philip Kolter and Gerald Zaltman. 4. Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change/Gerald Zaltman and Ilan Vertinsky. 5. Health Service Marketing: A Suggested Model/Gerald Zaltman, Philip Kotler and Ira Kaufman. 6. Extracts from Creating Social Change/Gerald Zaltman, Robert Duncan and Jonny Holbek. 7. Extracts from Innovations and Organizations/Gerald Zaltman. 8. Extracts from Processes and Phenomena of Social Change/Brian Sternthal and Gerald Zaltman. 9. Broadening Concepts of Consumer Behavior/Gerald Zaltman. 10. Strategies for Diffusing ‘Social’ Innovations’/Brian Sternthal and Gerald Zaltman. 11. The Broadened Concept: Toward a Taxonomy of Consumption Situations/Sidney Levy and Gerald Zaltman. 12. Extracts from Marketing, Society, and Conflict/Gerald Zaltman, David H. Florio and Linda A. Sikorski. 13. Extracts from Dynamic Educational Change/Gerald Zaltman and Robert Duncan. 14. Extracts from Strategies for Planned Change/Gerald Zaltman and Pol Jacobs. 15. Social Marketing and a Consumer Based Theory of Marketing/Gerald Zaltman and Allan D. Shocker. 16. Client and Agency Requirements in the Design of Consumerism Programs/Robert F. Rich and Gerald Zaltman. 17. Toward A Theory of Planned Social Change: Alternative Perspectives and Ideas/Gerald Zaltman. 18. Knowledge Utilization as Planned Social Change/Gerald Zaltman. 19. Theory-in-Use Among Change Agents: Perspectives of Other Scholars/Richard P. Bagozzi. 20. Marketing’s Debt to a Prime Mover in Social Marketing/Alan R. Andreasen. 21. Social Marketing, Social Change and Metaphor Elicitation: The Zaltman Legacy/Philip Kotler. 22. An Essay about Jerry Zaltman’s Contributions/Ilan Vertinsky. 23. Marketing Health Services: Reflections on the Making of a Model/Nan Lin. 24. Appreciating Gerald Zaltman. 25. Interview. 26. Christine Moorman interviews Jerry Zaltman.