Readings in Ecology and Environmental Science

Readings in Ecology and Environmental Science

Madhab Chandra Dash
1287 1430 (10% off)
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Contents: Preface. Part I: Environmental Education. 1. What is Environmental Education? 2. Ecosystem Analysis: Concept of Ecosystem and Ecosystem Diversity. Part II: Biodiversity. 3. What is Biodiversity? 4. History of Sacred Groves and their Role in Maintaining Socio-Religious Unity and Ecosystem Conservation with Examples from Odisha, India. 5. Soil Biodiversity and Earthworms. 6. Earthworms in the Himalaya and Western Ghats Region of India: A Review. 7. Bio-resources as a Tool for Food Security and Sustainable Development for Rural Livelihood in India in The Context of Industrial Development and Environmental Protection: An Overview. 8. Conservation and Management of Natural Resources: An Overview. 9. Wildlife Conservation: An Over View of Existing Laws for Their Protection. Part III: Food Security, Environment and Energy. 10. Food Security is the Call of the Time. 11. Environment, Energy, and Development from Stockholm to Copenhagen and Beyond the Celebrations. Part IV : Global Warming and Climate Change. 12. Is there an Upper and Lower Limit for Carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere for Biodiversity to Function in the Context of Climate Change? 13. Impact of Climate Change on Natural and Man-made. Ecosystems. 14. Recent Trend in Climate Change - International and National Scenario from IPCC. 15. Climate Change and Paris Deal: A Review. 16. A Comparison of Industrial Green House Gas Emissions (GHG) and Carbon Sink Potential of Forest Vegetation in Orissa, in the Context of Climate Change. 17. Carbon Sequestration and Role of Earthworms in Indian Land Uses: A Review. 18. Load of Pollutants and Green House Gas (GHG) in the Atmosphere in India and the GHG Sink Factor. 19. Environmental Pollution Control Laws applicable to Mining: An Overview. 20. Industrial Impact On Skin And Respiratory System: A Case Study Of Health Hazards In Balasore, Orissa. 21. Concept of Green Mining. Part VI : What is Scientific Temper? 22. Fostering Scientific Temper. Index.