Television Advertising Ethics and Human Rights

Television Advertising Ethics and Human Rights

Juhi P Pathak
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Ethics in Television advertising’ as well as ‘Human Rights’ are both the most talked about topics of the present day. This book deals with the various areas of human rights in context of TV advertisements thereby exposing the lacunae in Indian legal system that fails to comprehensively cater to the ethical aspects of Indian Television Advertising scenario. The book reflects both the positive (ethical) and negative (unethical) portrayals of important issues relating to human rights concentrating on areas of child rights, privacy of women, portrayal of lasciviousness, LGBT, colour discrimination as well as peace and communal harmony. This study is timely; as the society needs to be made aware of the influence of television advertisements, both ethical and unethical on them. It is about time that an attempt be made to evaluate the social implications of inappropriate television advertisements. The book caters to the need of the hour of conducting a study that can define what advertising ethics is and to define the ethical boundaries of the advertisers. The book reiterates the fact that ‘the ethical area is the only area of liberty’. The book may be found useful by students, researchers and scholars in the field of journalism and advertising as well as corporate world and policy-makers. Contents Preface, Acknowledgement I. Concept and History of Advertising II. Advertising Ethics: An Overview III. Advertising Vis-A-Vis Child Rights: Advertisements through Unclad Babies IV. Advertising Vis-A-Vis Right to Privacy of Women: Portrayal of Child Delivery V. Advertising Vis-A-Vis Human Rights: Lasciviousness VI. Advertising Vis-A-Vis Human Rights: Colour Discrimination VII. Peace and Communal Harmony: Advertising Vis-A-Vis Human Rights VIII. Portrayal of Peace and Harmony Between Nations: Advertising Vis-A-Vis Human Rights IX. Advertising Vis-A-Vis LGBT’s Human Rights X. Conclusion Annexures I. The Code for Self-Regulation in Advertising II. Details of IPC Sections 153A, 295 & 295A III. Programme and Advertising Codes IV. List of Laws, Rules and Regulations that Deal with Advertisements Bibliography