A Strategic-Oriented Implementation of Projects

A Strategic-Oriented Implementation of Projects

Mihály Görög
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Contents: Preface. Introduction. I. A Strategy-Oriented Approach to Managing the Project Result: 1. Strategy and Projects. 2. Success Criteria and Project Management Competences. 3. The Strategy-Oriented Project Cycle. 4. The Strategy-Oriented Project Scope Definition. 5. Viability of The Project Idea. 6. Strategy-Oriented Scope Control and Change Management. 7. Project Post-Evaluation. 8. Implications for Program Management. II. A Strategy for Implementing External Projects— The Client Perspective: 9. Project Implementation Strategy. 10. Types of Contract. 11. Types of Payment. 12. Formulating Appropriate Project Implementation Strategy in the Narrow Sense. 13. Tendering And Prequalification. 14. Project Implementation Strategy in the Broader Sense—Matching Tendering and Prequalification with Project Implementation Strategy. 14. Project Implementation Strategy in the Broader Sense—Matching Tendering and Prequalification with Project Implementation Strategy. 15 – Bid Evaluation – Ranking the Tender Bids. 16. Implications for Clients and External Contributors. References. Index. Can a project be both a success and a failure? You may be hitting your deadlines and keeping within your budget... but if your project isn’t meeting your organization’s larger strategic goals, it may actually be failing. While it is broadly accepted that projects are the building blocks in implementing organizational strategic objectives, many books fail to address one critical question: how do you translate a strategic objective into a manageable project task? Lavishly illustrated with more than 40 figures and tables, this latest book from practitioner and project management professor Mihály Görög, PhD addresses this critical lack, for project managers of all levels. With each of its chapters devoted to exploring a specific topic, the book begins by focusing on internal projects within an organization. Using real-world examples from multiple industries, Dr. Görög effortlessly provides both theory and practical tools for thinking and working strategically throughout the project process, including mastering scope challenges and evaluating project success. The second half of the book then explores how to meet the unique strategic challenges presented by projects involving external contractors and includes how to differentiate between contract and payment; allocate responsibilities and risks; create contractor competition; and identify the best bid (and bidder). A Strategic-Oriented Implementation of Projects that rare book that is both strategic oriented and practical and provides project and program managers with the tools to ensure that their internal and external projects actually meet their organization’s strategic goals.