Microbiological Examination of Water and Wastewater
Maria Csuros and Csaba Csuros
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Table of Contents
Scope and History of Microbiology
Microbes and Microbiology
Brief History of Microbiology
The Golden Age of Microbiology
Modern Developments in Microbiology
Naming and Classifying of Microorganisms
The Diversity of Microorganisms
Procaryotic Cell
Introduction of Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells
The Procaryotic Cell
Structures External to the Cell Walls
The Cell Wall
Structures Internal to the Cell Wall
Microbial Metabolism
Meaning of Metabolism
Metabolic Pathways
Nutritional Classification of Organisms
Energy Production of Organisms
Carbohydrate Catabolism
Microbial Growth and its Control
Microbial Growth
Physical Requirements
Chemical Requirement
Control of Microbial Growth
Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control
Microorganisms in the Environment
Biochemical Cycles
Microorganisms Found in Air
Microorganisms in Soil
Aquatic Microbiology
Water Purification
Sewage Treatment
Bioremediation of Organic Contaminants
Application of Bioremediation
Microbiological Quality of Environmental Samples
Monitoring Microbiological Quality
Introduction to Microbiological Parameters Regarding to the Sanitary Quality of Environmental Samples
Pathogenic Microorganisms
Iron and Sulfur Bacteria
Regulations for Drinking Water Quality
Surface Waters
Soil, Sediment
Safety in Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
Laboratory Facilities
Laboratory Safety Considerations
Summarized Safety Check List for Environmental Microbiology Laboratories
Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Requirement for Facilities and Personnel
Quality Control of Laboratory Equipments and Instruments
Quality Control of Laboratory Supplies
Quality Control of Laboratory Pure Water
Analytical Quality Control Procedures
Records and Data Reporting
Interlaboratory Quality Control
Collecting and Handling Environmental Samples for Microbiological Examination
Sample Collection from Different Sources
Sample Identification
Sample Transportation, Preservation, and Holding Time
Laboratory Equipments and Supplies in Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
Laboratory Equipments
Laboratory Glassware
Chemicals, Reagents
Culture Media
Culture Media and Culture
Bacterial Growth in Media
Direct Measurement of Bacterial Growth
Plate Counts
Membrane Filter (MF) Technique
Most Probable Number (MPN) Method
Staining Procedures
Direct Microscopic Counts
Estimation of Bacterial Numbers by Indirect Methods
Biochemical Reactions and Enzymatic Tests
Rapid Identification Systems (Multitest Systems)
Methods for Analysing Microbiological Quality of the Environment
Methods and Techniques
Rapid Detection Methods
Methods for Microbiological Examination of Recreational Waters
Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria
Detection of Soil Microorganisms
Heterotrophic Plate Counts
Pour Plate Method
Determination of Total Coliform
Membrane Filter Method (MF)
Most Probable Number (MPN) Method
Determination of Klebsiella
Application for Soil, Sediment, and Sludge Samples
Analytical Quality Control
Determination of Fecal Coliform
Definition of the Fecal Coliform Group
Membrane Filter Method
Delayed Incubation MF Method
The Most Probable Number (MPN) Method
The MUG Test
Application for Soil, Sediment, and Sludge Samples
Analytical Quality Control (QC) Procedure
Appendix A: Exponential Notation
Appendix B: International System of Units (Metric System)
Appendix C: Units and Conversion Factors
Appendix D: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Appendix E: Determination of Solids
Appendix F: Measurement of Ph
Appendix G: Bacteriophages
Microbiological tests have proven to be an indispensable part of environmental contaminant detection. It has also been tremendously difficult to find a comprehensive training manual and laboratory manual for those procedures.
Microbiological Examination of Water and Wastewater now provides that much-needed resource for laboratory trainees and environmental professionals alike.
An all-inclusive guide to applications and techniques of microbiological testing, Microbiological Examination of Water and Wastewater includes coverage of General Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, plus Techniques and Methods in Routine Environmental Microbiology Laboratory.
By exploring the fundamentals of microbiology, as well as microbial metabolism, growth, control, and classification, trainees will better understand the purpose and manner of microbiological examination. Those details also make Microbiological Examination of Water and Wastewater ideal as a standard guidebook for laboratories, water and wastewater treatment plants, and the communities they serve.