Muslim Communities in Rajputana During Medieval Period

Muslim Communities in Rajputana During Medieval Period

Ishteyaque Alam
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This book attempts to portray the life of the Muslims of Rajasthan in all its aspects, beginning with the advent of the Muslim powers. In it Muslim communities in Rajputana (Rajasthan) have been divided into two broader categories and the various aspects of their life and activity have been thoroughly explored. The role played by numerous Muslim classes and groups in growth of composite culture is incredible. The purpose of the book is to help the readers in understanding the socio-cultural condition of Muslims in Medieval Rajasthan. Muslim communities in Rajputana cover a broad spectrum, containing the political, socio-cultural, religious and economic condition of the Muslims during Medieval Rajasthan. The present work hopefully will be useful for both scholars and general readers alike. The area of the study chosen by the author is quite unique and interesting from historical point of view. The present work exhausts various archival, epigraphical, oral and written chronicles as well as Mughal chronicles too, to provide a general overview of aspects like settlements of Muslims, their broad division, conversion, independent Muslim dynasty in the heartland of the Rajput rajas, religion, art and architecture, languages, socio-economic condition and impact of the Sufi saints on the populace of the region.