Bankers Handbook on Auditing

Bankers Handbook on Auditing

Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
735 750 (2% off)
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Contents: Module A: Introduction and Types of Audit. 1. Introduction to auditing and types of audit. 2. Bank audit and various types of audits in banks. 3. Risk-based supervision - a new approach. Module B: Internal Audit. 4. Internal audit - role in overall governance. 5. Risk-based internal audit in banks. 6. Risk based internal audit procedures. 7. Risk management. 8. Data analytics and continuous controls monitoring. Module C: Audit in computerized environment. 9. Audit in computerised information system (CIS) environment - an introduction. 10. Audit in computerised environment. Module D: Audit aspects of financial statements of Banks. 11. Audit aspects of advances. 12. Audit aspects of bank’s financial statements - assets side (other than advances). 13. Audit aspects of capital, reserves and surplus and borrowings and deposits. 14. Audit aspects of other liabilities and provisions and contingent liabilities. 15. Audit aspect of treasury operations - Forex and derivative transactions. 16. Audit aspects of profit and loss account. 17. Disclosure requirements in financial statements. 18. Audit aspects of consolidation of branch account. 19. Audit aspects of consolidation of financial statements. 20. Audit aspect of inter-office transactions. 21. Long form audit report of bank branches. 22. Long form audit report of head office. 23. Basel III regulations and disclosures.