Women, Youth and Media Today

Women, Youth and Media Today

Edited by T. Gopinath and Sidhu K.K
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This book is an experience of analyzing the relationship between gender and media with special reference to women and youth. Gender is a social construct and media plays a vital role in it. As such, this book focuses on the three dimensions—women, youth and media in terms of pushing and pulling factors for promotion of gender equality. It portrays the impact of media upon level of participation, influence over women and their status. The media are undoubtedly omnipresent in the lives of contemporary youth who are dynamic in nature and ICT offers them a whole wide experience and knowledge. However, this book also expresses the other side of the coin, media and its disadvantages such as inappropriate contents information overload etc. It concludes saying that it is important to acknowledge the positives and drawbacks of media. This compendium of papers, contributed by scholars from various fields of expertise, may be found useful by all the stakeholders in these subjects.