Women Studies Encyclopedia (Revised and Expanded Edition (3 Volume Set)

Women Studies Encyclopedia (Revised and Expanded Edition (3 Volume Set)

Edited by Helen Tierney
4346 4995 (13% off)
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Women’s Studies Encyclopedia presents an incomparable wealth of scholarship in the field of women’s studies. • More than 700 alphabetically listed entries prepared by 425 scholars from all disciplines • Thorough analysis of women and society throughout history and around the world • Extensive bibliographic sources for individual entries as well as a complete general bibliography Women’s Studies Encyclopedia is one of the most acclaimed and widely-used reference sources in the field. This Encyclopedia has become the standard in the field, but research on women has proceeded rapidly since its publication. Feminist thought has grown and branched out, and women's conditions have changed markedly in some areas. This revised and expanded edition will meet the continuing need for a multidisciplinary reference tool on all facets of the female condition. With close to 400 contributors, it expands coverage of such areas as violence against women, women in public life, and women in specific countries and regions. Many of the articles are new or completely rewritten, while others have been updated or expanded.