Contents: 1. Partnership accounting: profit and loss appropriation. 2. Partnership accounting: treatment of goodwill. 3. Partnership accounting: treatment of life policy. 4. Partnership accounting: admission of partner. 5. Partnership accounting: retirement of partner. 6. Partnership accounting: retirement-cum-admission of partners. 7. Partnership accounting: change in profit sharing ratio. 8. Partnership accounting: death of partner. 9. Partnership accounting: dissolution of firm. 10. Partnership accounting: piecemeal distribution. 11. Branch accounting: dependent branches. 12. Branch accounting: independent branch. 13. Hire purchase, instalment payment and lease. 14. Departmental accounting. 15. Accounting for investments. 16. Business acquisition: profit or loss prior to incorporation. 17. Accounting for business acquisitions.
Financial Accounting II is specially designed as an undergraduate textbook for the third semester B Com students of the University of Calcutta (CU) as per the latest CBCS syllabus. Written in a crisp and easy-to-understand style, the book incorporates a large number of worked-out problems and exhaustive exercises making it ideal for self-study.
The book is divided into 7 units comprising 17 chapters. Units 1 and 2 discusses the various aspects of partnership accounting, namely finalization of partnership firms (including appropriation and distribution of profits), valuation and accounting for goodwill, accounting for life policies and change in constitution of the firm (i.e., admission, retirement, death of a partner, and change in profit sharing ratio between the partners), dissolution of partnership firms and piecemeal distribution. Branch accounting, accounting for hire purchase and instalment payment, departmental accounting and accounting for investments are covered over Units 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively. The concluding unit covers profit/loss prior to incorporation, accounting for acquisition of business and conversion of partnership into limited company.