Zoonotic Parasites of Livestock: Diagnosis and Control

Zoonotic Parasites of Livestock: Diagnosis and Control

Edited by Mohd. Rashid, Rajesh Katoch, Mudasir Sultana, Kafil Hussain and H K Sharma
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It will be used as a tool of interventional strategies for prevention and control of parasitic zoonoses of livestock and their rearers belonging to socioeconomically poor communities by imparting knowledge through training of field veterinarians. The books aims to provide, for Veterinary Doctors, modern practices on the production of dairy animal, sheep and goat farming to know how productivity can be improved by introducing appropriate, low- cost approaches. It describes the steps that can be taken to improve health of animals and reduce the mortality. More costly techniques such as supplementary feeding, intensive rearing is also covered in this manual. This information could be used for planning, implementing and monitoring livestock programme. It is expected that service providers will educate the farmers about the extra costs and labour that would be required for more intensive livestock farming. Contents:1. An Overview of Helminthes of Zoonotic and Public Health Importance M. Rashid and Alveena Ganai 2. Present Status of Small Animal Farming and Role of Sheep Husbandry Department in Socio-economic Upliftment of Rural People Nazam Khan and Vikas Mahajan 3. Care and Management of Dairy Animals Asma Khan and M.Rashid 4. Care and Management of Sheep and Goat Nazam Khan and R.K. Sharma 5. Parasitic Diseases of Livestock and Their Sustainable Control R. Katoch R. Godara, Anish Yadav and Sanku Borkataki 6. Feeds and Feeding of Dairy Animals A.K. Pathak and Ankur Rastogi 7. Small Scale Projects and Prospects of Small Ruminant Farming Pranav Kumar 8. Diagnoses of Parasitic Diseases in Livestock M. Rashid and A. Yadav.