Post-Growth Thinking in India: Towards Sustainable Egalitarian Alternatives

Post-Growth Thinking in India: Towards Sustainable Egalitarian Alternatives

Edited by Julien-François Gerber and Rajeswari S. Raina
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The Indian sub-continent has long been involved in global capitalism. As the state and the market became key actors in the economy, GDP growth emerged as the central policy goal. Presently, as a rapidly growing economy with widening inequality and huge environmental problems, India needs to rethink its social–ecological transitions. Post-Growth Thinking in India discusses the relevance of ‘prosperity without growth’, or ‘post-growth’ for India, at a time when grassroots alternatives confront and question the consequences of growth. ‘Post-growth’ calls for a resizing and reorganisation of the social metabolism that would allow societies to live within their ecological means and within democratic, equitable and localised economies. This book presents diverse alternatives to the current growth-driven model of development. It also presents aspects of the criticism of economics as a discipline bound by the laws of free markets and capitalism and discusses ‘post-growth’ through the laws of energetics and ecological economics, eco-socialism, ecological democracy and issues of environmental justice and violence, as voiced in India. Far from being ‘anti-development’, the analyses return to the fundamentals and question the links between nature, development, well-being and GDP growth.