This book on the development of Indian civilization is a subject of absorbing interest, and historians are now beginning to pay attention to it. This interest is not merely topical," arising out of the clashes of our present-day life in India. The subject has a wider import and deeper philosophical significance. We are studying to-day the problems of .migrations of primitive and pre-historic cultures, and of the conflicts of races and of civilizations during the past and in the present day. The history of India which furnishes a striking illustration of the impact of many divergent cultures which were gradually transformed by a process of mutual adjustment, surely needs the attention of a student of sociology and history who endeavours to understand the interactions of human mind and the effects of cultural contacts as presented in the customs religion, literature and art of a people.
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Pre-Muslim Hindu culture. 3. The advent of the Muslims in India. 4. Mysticism in Islam. 5. Hindu reformers of the south : I. 6. Hindu reformers of the south: II. 7. The advent of the Muslims in the north. 8. Ramananda and Kabir. 9. Guru Nanak. 10. Sixteenth century saints. 11. Later saints. 12. Reformers of Bengal and Maharashtra. 13. Indian architecture. 14. Indian painting. Bibliography. Appendix. Index.