Health Insurance Marketing: Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Health Insurance Marketing: Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

P.A. Azees and B.V. Pillai
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In India, the health insurance business has witnessed consistent growth, especially after the opening of the insurance sector to the entry of private and foreign players in 2000. In the light of increasing health care costs, coupled with rising demand for health care services, lack of easy access of people from low income group of quality and reasonably priced health care, health insurance is emerging as an alternative mechanism for financing health care. In the country, less than 25 per cent of India’s 1.25 billion people are covered with some sort of health insurance. It is therefore, the very right time to device the vision for the next phase of growth in health insurance encompassing the role of every stakeholder by keeping the policyholders at the heart of all endeavours. Considering the significance of health insurance, various government sponsored health insurance schemes has been introduced in the recent years. Hence, it is highly inevitable to create an ideal environment for health insurance business with a satisfied customer at the core through quality products and services. It is in this context, the authors made an attempt to conduct an investigation on the marketing of health insurance products and services with special emphasis on service quality and customer satisfaction. The book comprises eight chapters, including an introduction and summing up. It is hoped that the book will be useful to managers and executives in the health insurance business, Policy-makers, academicians and researchers in the area of commerce and business management studies.