Social Change: Context, Social Movements and the Digital

Social Change: Context, Social Movements and the Digital

Pradip Ninan Thomas
756 795 (5% off)
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Contents: 1. Communication for Social Change: An Extended Introduction and Critique. I. Dealing with Context: 2. Accounting for Context in Communication for Social Change. 2. Anti-Context: Infrastructure Struggles in India: Between Maoism a II. What Can CSC Theory Learn from Social Movements: 3. Social Movements, Communications and Social Change: An Introduction. 2. Learning from a Social Movement: The Case of the Right to Information (RTI) Movement. III. Digital Interventions in Social Change: Opportunities and Challenges: 4.Digital Humanitarianism: Challenges and Opportunities. 5. Contemporary Digital Alternatives: Community Informatics, The Case of Telecomunicaciones Indigenas Communitarias and the Information Commons. 6.Making the Digital Count: E-Government, Public Sector Software and Social Change. 7. The Other Side of the Digital: E-Waste. Index. Communication for Social Change: Context, Social Movements and the Digital is a critical introduction to communication and social change (CSC) theory. The book presents refreshingly new perspectives and specifically makes the case for CSC theory to factor in context, learnings from social movements and a critique of the digital technology. This book offers perspectives on the historical continuities within this field of study along with the departures that have been hastened and shaped by confluences between ideas and practice as well as by digital technology and social movements. It introduces readers to a raft of new theorists of CSC and puts forth new thinking, new ideas, and a new basis for theorisation of communication for social change discourse.