Elder Abuse and Social Exclusion

Elder Abuse and Social Exclusion

Edited by Sundara Raj T
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Elder abuse an elderly mistreatment of elderly people are often ignored problems in society. Violence and related form of abuse against elders are global public health and human rights problems with far-reaching consequences, resulting in death, disability and exploitation with collateral effects on the victims’ well-being. The United Nations defines elder abuse as a single or repeated act or inappropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which cause harm or distress to an older person. Abuses takes place within the family in the form of neglects such as failure to provide attention, adequate food, clean clothing, a safe and comfortable place to live, good health care, personal hygiene and the opportunity for social contacts. This book supplies a wide spectrum of information that would enable to grasp what happens in the developing countries, most of the world’s poor older people live and where no systematic collection of statistics or studies have been undertaken. However criminal records, news reports and micro studies prove that elder abuse is widespread in these countries. Social and cultural norms related to ageing tolerance of violence and gender issues reinforce and institutionalize such maltreatment. Stereotypes depicting older people as weaker, less worthy and a burden to society may be the breeding ground for elder abuse that takes place behind closed doors, at home or institution. It is till often a taboo that is not spoken about widely. The book seeks to inform the public on a variety of topics on social exclusion and elder abuse. Elders are not only excluded from participating in the functional activities in the society but also are excluded in many ways that are not yet noticed by the authorities. Exclusion within the family such as forcing to live a strange and uncared life if not welcomed in all the familial spheres and functions. Loneliness, major problem among the aged, requires activity based strategies that offer care and leisure. Many of those elders who are forced to lead non-dignified life eventually opt begging as one of the possible ways to find their living. Therefore this book is an attempt to find out systematic solutions to problems of elder abuse and their social exclusion.