Brahma-Sutras: Sanskrit Text with the Commentary of Archya Sankara English Translation Notes (2 Vols)

Brahma-Sutras: Sanskrit Text with the Commentary of Archya Sankara English Translation Notes (2 Vols)

Edited by N.C.Panda
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In the canon of Vedanta literature, the Brahma Sutra occupies a unique position. The Brahma Sutras attempt to reconcile the seemingly contradictory and diverse statements of the various Upanishads and the Bhagavad GitÁ, by placing each teaching in a doctrinal context. The word “sutra” means “thread”, and the Brahma Sutras literally stitch together, the various Vedantic Philosophical teachings into a logical, systematic, as well as traditional manner. Of commentaries on the Brahma Sutra, ÏaÉkara’s commentary stands pre-eminent in elaborating Advaita VedÁnta according to his tradition. The Brahma Sutra consists of 555 aphorisms or Sutras, in four chapters, each chapter being divided into four sections each. The first chapter explains that all the Vedantic texts talk of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, which is the goal of life. The second chapter discusses and refutes the possible objections against Vedanta philosophy. The third chapter rightly elaborates the process by which Ultimate Emancipation can be achieved. The fourth chapter clearly discusses the state that is achieved in Final Emancipation.