Piece of Mind: A Compilation of Random Thoughts

Piece of Mind: A Compilation of Random Thoughts

Ashutosh Agnihotri
560 595 (6% off)
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A Piece of Mind is a compilation of random thoughts, written by the author in last few years. These thoughts spring from his inner responses to people, incidents and situations. The book is essentially an unfinished diary – a faithful record of events and observations, behaviours and idiosyncrasies. The thoughts move from one world to another, exploring both the seen and unseen and touching the tangible as well as intangible. The words flow like a rudderless boat, struggling to brave the strong winds and currents but still sure of reaching somewhere – which may or may not be their chosen destination. And just like the mind – complex and layered – the piece that the book carries is incomplete, imperfect and inscrutable. It is just one piece of mind, trying to find other related, connected pieces, to find some sense and order in the world around and the world within.