Gender and Work: International Perspectives

Gender and Work: International Perspectives

Edited by Sita Vanka, Rekha Pande and Bharat Chillakuri
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Gender could be understood as a construct, which enables men and women to conduct themselves in a characteristic style and helps them understand their respective roles in family and society. Gender operates at all levels of social life and is deeply embedded to how work is organized, rewarded and experienced. Sociological studies on gender and work emerged during 1960s and 1970s as the women's labour force participation increased and the women's movements shifted focus on gender equality at home and at work. This field evolved over time conceptual frameworks were developed and empirical focus shifted in response to economic and societal changes. Taking clue from the research, an attempt has been made to discuss, deliberate and present multiple perspectives in a volume showcasing the best practices, research papers and viewpoints from across the world. The contributors of this volume have covered a variety of subjects encompassing gender and work, which broadly include issues of gender equality, gender relations, women's livelihoods, gender disability, economic empowerment etc. both from Indian and international perspectives. The book provides an excellent opportunity to professionals, scholars and researchers interested to update their knowledge on the concept, processes, issues and emerging paradigms on gender and work from a multi-dimensional cross-country perspective. CONTENTS 1. Single Daughters' Parent's Group: A Step towards Gender Equality in the Indian Context / Aditi Akut and Manasi Akut 2. Matrilineal Minangkabau: A Critique to the Universal Theory of Kinship and Gender Relations / Aleena Sebastian 3. A Feminist Perspective on Human Security: An Analysis / Huma Parveen 4. Women and the Feminized Peace: A New Alternative / Sulagna Sen Sharma 5. Promises versus Realities: Myths of Women's Livelihoods in Tourism Industry / Neha Nimble 6. Gender and Career Choice: A Study in Two Cities of Odisha / Dutta Pattanaik 7. Gender Equity and the Engineering Workplace / Shannon Pole 8. Gender Disability in India: A Feminist Perspective / Shilpa Das 9. Women's Work and Economic Empowerment: A Study of the Silk Industry in Assam / Chandrama Goswami and Manisha Battacharjee 10. Women Journalists in India: An Exploratory Analysis / Chirasrota Jena 11. Work and Value of Strike: A Paradox in the Performance of Aurat / Anirban Kumar 12.Effects of Role Conflict and Ambiguity on Women Managers in the Sub-Saharan African Universities / Theonestina Katundano 13. Neoliberalism and Informalization: A Structural Analysis of Women's Work in India / Manasi Mahanty 14. Female Domestic Workers: Transnational Migrants in the Global Economy / Nargis Vasundhara 15. Empowerment or Disempowerment: Veil/Hijab Redefined / Shakira Khatoon 16. Work Participation of Dalit Women in the Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Case Study in Dindigul District of Tamil Nadu / Menaka Shanmugam 17. Prostitution: Work or Oppression? / Amélie Mathieu 18. Issues of Adolescent Girls in Camp Labour Scheme: A Study in the Textile Sector in Tamil Nadu / Manimekalai 19. Female Advancement by Unpacking Silence and Voice: A Fictional Empirical Analysis / S.D. Sasi Kiran