Fundamentals of Human Ethics and Agriculture Extension

Fundamentals of Human Ethics and Agriculture Extension

D.K. Meena, N.R. Meena, Nidhi and Sonika Sharma
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Contents: 1. Recent Schemes.2. Education. 3. Extension Education. 4. Extension Programme planning. 5. Monitoring and Evaluation. 6. Extension systems in India. 7. Agriculture development programmes. 8. New Trends in agriculture extension. 9. Rural Development. 10. Community Development. 11. Panchayati Raj System. 12. Extension Administration. 13. Monitoring and Evaluation. 14. Transfer of Technology. 15. Training. 16. Diffusion and adoption of innovation. 17. Questions for The Practice. 18. Human Ethics and Values. 19. Goal Mission and Vision of Life.20. Principles and Philosophy of Life. 21. Self exploration. 22. Self Awareness. 23. Self- Satisfaction :The Ultimate Goal of Life. 24. Decision –Making. 25. Motivation. 26. Sensitivity. 27. Success. 28. Selfless Services. 29. Case Studies of Ethical Life. 30. Positive Sprit. 31. Body, Mind and Soul. 32. Attachment/Bonding and Detachment. 33. Spiritual Quotient. This book is prepared for Under-graduate agriculture students of ‘Fundamental of Agricultural Extension and Human Ethics’ as per revised curriculum in Extension Education for B.Sc. Ag. degree programme. It covers the whole content related with recent schemes, extension developmental programme with new trends in agriculture extension, self-awareness, motivation, self exploration, mission, planning, designing the programme. Agriculture education has undergone a change in its contents, new approaches or schemes. As vast research knowledge is being generated, new areas of learning in agriculture are being explored, and teaching approaches are constantly modified. The 5th Dean’s committee recommended the present course curricula and this book is prepared as per the new course content. Some additional but important contents are also included in the book for the benefit of the students.