The Tibetan Yoga Its Secret Doctrine: Attaining Right Knowledge
W Y Evans Wentz
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This exceptional work of scholarship, which is so accessible to the interested general reader, is the work of the eminent scholar and believer who brought to the world The Tibetan Book of the Dead and an equally important work entitled Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa. The book, perhaps the most valuable in the trilogy, gives the very deeds of some of the principal yogas and meditations which many of the most illustrious Tibetan and Indian philosophers, including Tulopa, Naropa, Marpa, and Milerepa, employed in attaining Right Knowledge.
The present work thus contains much that is new to Western thought, and much that, apart from its value for philosophy and religion, is interesting anthropologically. It should prove to be of the same quality and public appeal as the two volumes of the series which have already been published.
Perhaps it may be found to be the most valuable member of the trilogy, inasmuch as it gives the very texts of some of the principal yogas and meditations which many of the most illustrious Tibetan and Indian philosophers, including Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, and Milarepa, employed in attaining Right Knowledge. This volume is meant at once for the exact scholar and for the general reader. The former will note that the original textual sources, which are sevenfold, are authentic, and that nothing has been incorporated into the texts or presented in the introductions and annotations which has no doctrinal sanction.