All passions and fashions flow and fuse well with the pious flow of poesy. With love and affection, we have been hosting Poetry Fests for over eleven years with a noble intension to instill peace and human values in the present world. We believed that words of the poets act like mantras in infusing values into hearts of the young and the old of all creeds and races to mould their lives on the paths of peace and joy. We touched each and every poem in the Anthology with our heart and soul. We received all the poets with our heart throbs.We faced many hurdles at personal, physical, social and psychological levels, sparing our time, emotion and earnings on the vast canvas of the Fests. We are happy that poets from the U.S.A, Sri Lanka, China, Nigeria, U.A.E, Malaysia, Romania, Ireland, Botswana, Sultanate of Oman and all the States from India have contributed their precious creations to ‘Tranquil Peace.’ We are glad that the anthology carries the symphony of peace, incense of human values, flames of women’s issues, reverberates with the environmental topics. We trust that the poems in the anthology prompt us to think, act and proceed with hope, love and peace carving a niche in the annals of Peace Literature.