Mystic Science of Vastu

Mystic Science of Vastu

N H Sahasrabudhe and R D Mhatme
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N.H. Sahasrabudhe is a consultant from Pune with 20 years experience in structural engineering. He holds a graduate degree in Civil Engineering from the College of Engineering, Pune, and a postgraduate degree in Structural Engineering from IISc., Banglore. He is a fellow of Institute of Valuers. He has been awarded two prestigious title, "Vaastu Vachaspati" and "Vaastu Samrat". He is associate with numerous educational institutes in advisory capacity. He teaches, lectures, and regularly contributes articles to various journals on engineering and Vaastushastra. R.D. Mahatme holds graduate and postgraduate degrees in engineering form IIT, Powai, and IISc., Banglore, respectively. He is an experienced technocraft well accquainted with research and development, manufacturing, application and consultancy related to energy monitoring devices and systems. Lasers, plasma engineering, nuclear science, Vastushastra and Yogshastra are some of his subjects of interest. As a Vastu Visharad, he is engaged in research activity for correlating Vastushastra and modern science.