Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture: Felicitation Volume for Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera

Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture: Felicitation Volume for Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera

Edited by Rashmi Pramanik, Uwe Skoda and Lidia Guzy
1080 1200 (10% off)
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This Felicitation Volume is dedicated to Professor Deepak Kumar Behera and his contribution to the Anthropology of Odisha, India and beyond. It highlights the intersections of the concepts of vulnerability, marginalization and culture – pivotal for his research, which constantly sensitized the academic community as well as the wider society to these themes throughout his career. The volume brings together researchers from India and beyond who collaborated with Professor Behera throughout the last years. All chapters focus on a fieldwork-orientated approach leading to rich ethnographic analyses informed by a long-term engagement between researcher and interlocutors.