Advanced Use of Jamini Char Dasha: New Researches (Revised Edition)
K N Rao
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About the book My friend, the famous Dr. R.K.Caroli_ now doing his practice successlully_ at the age ol 83, a much sought after heart specialist. had asked me in |978, when I had little time, being in a ten to five government job. to produce statistical research to silence the critics, and cynical opponents of astrology. Statistical Research: jaimini astrology l had to wait till 20 l 4 to do it with the help of students and in 20 l 4. here were are producing three of them all at once; here in jaimini astrology we have two pieces, one ol' them statistical It is about timing the date of the birth of a child from the horoscopes ol' parents within a margin of maximum forty eight hours and in some cases within four hours as shown through an example in the book. Like the earlier research about the birth of the child, here is another about the birth of siblings. Both these are through jaimini methods. Since one statistical study has already' been given. it has been avoided but the parameters given herecati be applied easily. The practical uses ol this research is that .india we do not have the birth details of parents in many the horoscopes of their children with accurate horoscopes is available lnsuch eases,tl'1e birth of the next sibling can be easily done research given here. Statistical Research: Parashari astrology The other statistical study is that of the birth sibling through Parashari Vimshortari dasha by one hunrened students with the data supplied by them, tested and moregthati ninety percent accuracy. In the case whrere it did dot apply, the birthtime was doubtful. The third book again giving statistical proof is the importance of the ages of 36 & 72 with instance of world famous personalities included in it.