The Disoriented Postmodern World In Michael Ondaatje’s Novels

The Disoriented Postmodern World In Michael Ondaatje’s Novels

Dr Preetha M and Dr Chitra Sivasubramaniam
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The book traces the richness of Canadian literary tradition and highlights the literary craftsmanship of Michael Ondaatje who has made innumerous contribution to the postmodern Canadian literature. His select novels –Coming Through Slaughter, Running in the Family, In the Skin of a Lion, The English Patient, and Anil’s Ghost are approached from interdisciplinary perspective focusing mainly on the sociological, psychological and historiographical aspects of postmodernism. The chapters deal with the predicament of individuals in the postmodern world delving in depth on the combined impact of the socio-economic and cultural factors on the psychological and historical framework of the society. The book concludes on a positive note as the writer suggests various means to attain the propitious living of the society.