Radio Kashmir In Times of Peace & War

Radio Kashmir In Times of Peace & War

Rajesh Bhat
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This book has emanated from an extensive and intensive research, as to how media plays immensely significant role in safeguarding the strategic interests of both the Government and the masses by addressing the core issues concerning the welfare and security of a nation. Given that Kashmir has remained a bone of contention between India and Pakistan, these findings, as such, are based on a doctoral study in terms of the pivotal function performed by Public Service Broadcaster like Radio Kashmir during the times of both peace & war since 1947. How assiduously it attempted to weave a cohesive social fabric, and diligently countered the malicious propaganda of Pakistani media from across the border, which camouflaged its territorial ambitions, and fought three wars with India! How Radio Pakistan and its notorious Radio Trarkhal, between 1947 and 1989, beamed vicious misinformation against India to create unrest in the minds of Kashmiris while trifling with their sentiments and identity! How under ‘Operation Topac’ ISI launched more radio stations, mostly along the Indo-Pak border to bombard airwaves with hostile ranting! How Radio Kashmir has earned the unique distinction of serving people and the nation, in this conflict-ridden region, promoting and strengthening cultural and democratic institutions in the State, as also promoting ‘people to people’ contact between the citizens of the two nations through drama and music broadcast over Radio Kashmir in Urdu, Punjabi and Gojri languages! The author draws attention towards the neglect of Radio, especially during proxy war launched by Pakistan in 1989, when its propaganda machinery was at at its peak in spreading anti-India canards in Kashmir. And hence, he pitches for the imperative need to have a concrete media contingency plan; a mechanism to plug the loopholes to restore the pristine glory of Radio in Jammu & Kashmir amidst numerous attacks on media men and media organizations in the state.